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Chia sẻ Theme Newspaper 12.6.6 mới nhất 2024 miễn phí

3.3/5 - (7 bình chọn)

Newspaper là một trong những theme được mua nhiều nhất trên Themeforest,đồng thời cũng là theme blog, tin tức được ưa chuộng nhất thế giới. Theme Newspaper cung cấp cho người dùng những công cụ tốt nhất để bạn có thể tùy chỉnh. Dù người dùng hoàn toàn không biết gì về code, vẫn có thể tạo ra giao diện phù hợp với trang của mình rất dễ dàng.

Chia sẻ Theme Newspaper mới nhất miễn phí
Chia sẻ Theme Newspaper mới nhất miễn phí

Ưu điểm của theme Newspaper

  • Có đến 56 giao diện sẵn có cho các bạn setup, bạn có thể xem trước 56 giao diện tại đây: Để cài đặt các giao diện khá đơn giản, 1 click thôi. Nếu không muốn sử dụng các giao diện có sẵn, bạn có thể tự setup cho mình.
  • Theme Newspaper được thiết kế responsive rất đầy đủ, gần như mình đã không phải tinh chỉnh gì thêm để phù hợp hơn.
  • Sử dụng sidebar cố định, rất phù hợp với những blog sở hữu Adsense.
  • Với công cụ Tagdiv Composer, bạn có thể tùy biến giao diện của mình với rất nhiều blocks khác nhau.
  • Newspaper có sẵn plugin AMP cho mình để tạo giao diện AMP phù hợp cho di động cũng như tối ưu cho Google.
  • Được update plugin Revolution Slider và Visual Composer miễn phí.
  • Hỗ trợ rất nhiều Widget khác nhau như Social Couter, Popular Category, Author Box, Ad Box…
  • Tương thích với WordPress 5.1
  • Bây giờ thì đã hoàn toàn là Lazyload hình ảnh.
  • Hỗ trợ sẵn rất nhiều vị trị để đặt quảng cáo trên website và có thể tùy chỉnh vị trí hiển thị rất dễ dàng. Thậm chí các vị trí đặt quảng cáo đều hỗ trợ loại quảng cáo responsive của Google Adsense. Đây là một trong những lý do mà mình rất thích theme Newspaper.
  • Hỗ trợ sẵn tùy chọn Translator để bạn có thể dễ dàng dịch theme của mình sang ngôn ngữ khác, chẳng hạn ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt.
  • Hỗ trợ Lazy load, một trong những tính năng tăng tốc website.
  • Rất nhiều tùy chọn dành cho phần header và footer như sticky menu (thanh menu cố định) hay tùy chỉnh kiểu bố cục của 2 phần này.
  • Hỗ trợ sẵn logo SVG luôn nhé.
  • Newspaper có một tùy chọn đánh giá, đây là một tùy chọn rất phù hợp với các website, blog reviews sản phẩm dựa trên các tiêu chí nào đó, đánh giá theo thang điểm 10.

Tải xuống Theme Newspaper 12.6.6 mơi nhất

Đây là theme này là theme gốc, được tải từ Themeforest về và không chèn hay can thiệp gì cả, nên các bạn cứ yên tâm sử dụng.
Newspaper 12.6.6

Cách kích hoạt theme Newspaper
Xem hướng dẫn ở bài viết: Hướng dẫn Activate bản quyền theme Newspaper

Change log


  • new: 4 New one-click installable Pre-Build Websites (demos):
  • new: Trucking Services – View Demo
  • new: Free News – View Demo
  • new: Office Nexus – View Demo
  • new: Cassio Lovo – View Demo
  • new: Theme Panel option to enable loading WebP images on blocks;
  • new: Inline text and Column title shortcodes replaced with new shortcodes simplified for a better structure;
  • new: New twitter X account connect app for social counter;
  • new: Option for Global Fonts to specify alternative font stacks for iOS and Android for better Speed Performance on mobile;
  • new: Sticky column and inner-column – the option is now responsive;
  • new: Multiple filter: support for taxonomy name using prefix tdtax_ (e.g. tdtax_movies);
  • improvement: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Single Post Content – added button color/background/fonts;
  • improvement: List block – added the option to keep icon and text aligned;
  • improvement: Tabbed Content – increased the limit of pages from 5 to 10;
  • improvement: Form Title – added the option to set font settings separately for the input;
  • improvement: Single Post Taxonomies – added the option to display the terms as columns and an option to display terms’ images;
  • improvement: Posts List – added the option to display the credit cost of posts;
  • improvement: Gallery – added the options to set padding, border radius, background color and background shadow on the arrows;
  • improvement: Custom Field – option to open the CF image in modal lightbox;
  • improvement: Image Box – added Seo title option;
  • improvement: Added ids for inline javascripts generated by theme
  • improvement: Theme color now accepts global colors;
  • fix: Custom Field block – CSS issues;
  • fix: Fix loading google fonts on standard templates;
  • fix: ToTop css issue;
  • fix: tdLoadingBox.js script was loading when it wasn’t supposed to;
  • fix: Modal Popup – fixed an issue with the close button;
  • fix: Form Input – fixed an issue with the font settings for labels;
  • fix: Fatal error on zone when Youtube key is missing;
  • fix: Flex Loop – ajax issue;
  • fix: Module Builder – exclusive tag doesn’t appear on CPTs;
  • fix: XSS vulnerability;
  • fix: Header Menu – page mega menu ui delayed load issue;
  • fix: The reCaptcha on comments interferes with other reCaptcha plugins;
  • fix: Show/hide ToTop on mobile issue;
  • fix: Form File Upload – Fixed an issue related to the input height;
  • fix: Preloading Featured image on CPT issue;
  • fix: Random order on Authors Box;
  • fix: Module Title – CSS fix;
  • fix: Row – vertical align issue (space between);
  • fix: Post Loop – replace “No posts” message on pagination with a redirect;
  • fix: Social Icons PHP warning;
  • fix: Security fixes – vulnerability report from Wordfence;
  • fix: Woo Products Loop – PHP notice;


  • new: Custom Field – Added support for the WYSIWYG field type;
  • new: Single Featured Image – Added preload featured image option;
  • new: Added a new style for the to top element.
  • improvement: Added title tag seo option for Categories/tags list;
  • improvement: Newsletter – added width/height/alt on image (styles with image);
  • improvement: Custom Field – refactored the shortcode styles processing;
  • improvement: Show any CPT in megamenu if it is registered with the standard categories;
  • fix:  Flex Loop Builder shortcode modules icons & Google fonts;
  • fix: Module Featured Image – Fixed an issue with z-index;
  • fix: Fixed a style issue with the sidebar in Firefox;
  • fix: Header templates used google fonts on demo import;
  • fix: Border color doesn’t work on Module Taxonomies shortcode;
  • fix: Facebook/Instagram business connect error ( added business_management app review permission );
  • fix: Lazy video on mobile – The inline CSS from the iframe was causing an issue with Agregate Inline CSS, so an exception was made for it;
  • fix: Fixed an issue where horizontal align was not applying on block header 12;
  • fix: Locker metabox doesn’t appear on page templates.


  • new: Forest Beat – View Demo
  • new: Featured audio – added support for Spotify;
  • new:  Module templates – New reading time shortcode;
  • improvement: Woo Product description – added the possibility to set an initial height for the content, with the user being able to expand it;
  • improvement: Modal popup – Added the option to remove the opening/closing transition effect;
  • improvement: Eliminated attachment_url_to_post() function used on Theme Panel header/footer logos;
  • improvement: Column title – Added the option to change the default margins of the H1-H6 tags;
  • improvement: Added the option to change the background color for the content of a mega menu;
  • improvement: Added option to use Woo classic pagination on Woo Loop;
  • improvement: Single Post Date – added the option to custom format the date;
  • improvement: Custom Field – Added support for the ‘user’ type field;
  • improvement: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Added Alt on author image;
  • improvement: Option in theme panel to deactivate Product schema from posts when reviews active;
  • fix: Colorpicker – Fixed a UI issue with selected global colors;
  • fix: CSS Analyze tool deprecated – removed;
  • fix: Issue while saving textareas for a user;
  • fix: User description field is now displayed as a textarea;
  • fix: Popular(all time) sorting option doesn’t appear;
  • fix: Inline Image html width and height;
  • fix: Menu Cart – Fixed an issue where the menu cart was not being dynamically updated when changing products quantity or removing them from the cart page;
  • fix: Single Post User Reviews List – Fixed an issue where only a maximum of 5 reviews were displayed. Changed that to unlimited.
  • fix: Yoast analyzer;
  • fix: Product structured data;
  • fix: Removed instagram ID & personal accounts sources (discontinued);
  • fix: Row – Fixed hide on pagination option when using Flex Loop Builder;
  • fix: Tag Description – Fixed some style issues;


  • new: Interior Designer- View Demo
  • new: Added a new shortcode – Module Automatic Numbering;
  • new: Footer delayed load option in Theme Panel;
  • new: Option to stop zones render on mobiles for Header Menu and Header Menu Sticky;
  • new: Option to stop zones render on desktop for Mobile Menu and Mobile Menu Sticky;
  • improvement: Moved the posts autoload options in the website manager;
  • improvement: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Header main menu – option to not load desktop menu on mobile devices;
  • improvement: Delay option works also for category Mega Menu;
  • improvement: Update translations po_mo files;
  • improvement: Option to show/hide links in Excerpts;
  • improvement: Option to replace self hosted video row background with an image or video on mobile;
  • fix: Title name for author social icons;
  • fix:  Issue on List Menu;
  • fix: Slider width orientation change;
  • fix: Scroll on mobile search;
  • fix: Urban Observer demo without content;
  • fix: Scroll on iOS when popup modal is used;


  • new: WordPress 6.4 compatibility;
  • new: 2 New one-click installable Pre-Build Websites (demos):
  • new: Echoverse – View Demo
  • new: Urban Observer – View Demo
  • new: Steam integration in Social Counter plugin;
  • new: Added an option to show hidden elements in the page (Website Manager);
  • new: New shortcode “Clear bookmarks/favorites button” which gives users the option to delete bookmarked posts/favorited Woo products;
  • new: Author Posts Count – New option to specify the post type.
  • new: Single Post Publish Age shortcode which displays how much time ago an article was published;
  • improvement: Gallery – added the option to specify modal image size;
  • improvement: Single Post User Reviews Form – added an option to change the maximum number of reviews an user can leave on an article;
  • improvement: added an option in the Theme Panel to disable product image zoom effect;
  • improvement: Flex Blocks, Flex Big Grids & Posts Loops – added the option to switch between displaying author or user reviews rating;
  • improvement: Replaced the CSS minifier with improved code;
  • improvement: Single Post Table of Contents – added h5, h6, div and p options for “Title tag(SEO)”;
  • improvement: Authors box – Authors can now be sorted randomly;
  • improvement: Category Background Image – Added an option to set the background style;
  • fix: Fixed an issue if CPT had a specific template set;
  • fix: Current/active page for List Menu items and Header Menu shortcodes;
  • fix: Fatal error icon fonts/footer page;
  • fix: Opt-In Builder notify update issue;
  • fix: Menu cart subtotal now accounts for tax;
  • fix: Posts Form Submit – Fixed an issue where the contents of a textarea field were not being url decoded when sending an email
  • fix: Homepage Post;
  • fix: Gallery – new options;
  • fix: Dequeued Gutenberg block library CSS on pages using TagDiv Composer blocks or on any other page excluding posts, CPTs or regular pages;
  • fix: Category Background Image – Fixed an issue with overlay color;
  • fix: Fixed custom title meta tags from not applying while using the SEOPress plugin;
  • fix: Fixed an issue with glitching sticky rows in the mobile header;
  • fix: Woo Checkout – fixed some issues: border-radius was not applying on dropdowns and textarea;
  • fix: Single Post Table of Contents – stripped all HTML tags from heading labels (to avoid any issues while rendering the TOC elements);
  • fix: Posts Loop & Posts Loop 2 – fixed missing review stars color option;
  • fix: Single Post Categories, Single Post Taxonomies & Module Taxonomies – fixed an issue where the ‘Featured’ category was not being ignored
  • fix: Facebook business updates and get image(save media img as attachment);
  • fix: Php_openssl_encrypt/decrypt on save/get account data access token & id;
  • fix: Facebook account cached data;
  • fix: The cookie which holds bookmarked posts/products now last 10 years instead of just 24 hours;
  • fix: Single Image – Video modal;
  • fix: Adapted the ‘readable_color’ method to also deal with #RRGGBBAA, #RRGGBB, rgba() and rgb() color formats;
  • fix: Cloud Templates admin screen – Fixed an issue when trying to edit a tag, category, ctax or woo product attributes;
  • fix: Row & Inner row: The gap option now only affects columns/inner columns which are direct children;
  • fix: Module templates – Fixed td-element-style entity;
  • fix: CPT cards don’t appear when WPML is active; 
  • fix: CPT search/archive templates when using WPML;
  • fix: Execute recaptcha code for comments only if the Theme Panel option is enabled;
  • fix: Mega menu – When setting 0 as the subcategories limit, now it removes the subcategories;
  • fix: Flex loop builder shortcode CSS tab;
  • fix: Sticky sidebar – fixed some issues generated by setting the width of the sidebar to ‘auto’;
  • fix: Single Post User Reviews Form – Fixed an issue with the user limit setting;
  • fix: Added ALT for author image on modules;
  • fix: Recaptcha response object;
  • fix: Search in taxonomies terms drafts.


  • new: 2 New one-click installable Pre-Build Websites (demos):
  • new: PC Forge – View Demo;
  • new: Town Talk – View Demo;
  • new: Posts List – Added the possibility to change column names;
  • new: Single Post Taxonomies – Added the option to display terms custom fields;
  • improvement: Flex Loop Filters – New mobile toggle icon color option, Increased the number of possible taxonomies to 10;
  • improvement: Posts Form Submit – When limits from plans are selected, you can also define a default limit from the shortcode;
  • improvement: Posts Form Taxonomies – Added default dropdown labels options;
  • improvement: Gallery – New option to modify the arrow space;
  • improvement: Single Post User Reviews List – Style improvements;
  • improvement: Single Post User Reviews Overall – Options to hide/show labels and stars;
  • improvement: Category Siblings – You can now display parent terms;
  • improvement: Removed plugin dependency for some demos;
  • improvement: Module Featured Image – Added shadow option;
  • fix: Single Background Image – Video modal fix
  • fix: Demo import global CPT search/archive template;
  • fix: Error on module thumb when a post doesn’t have a feature image and the custom placeholder no longer exists;
  • fix: Fixed an issue where if a custom font file was set, used in a block and then removed, it would throw a warning;
  • fix: Theme panel smart sidebar;
  • fix: Standard Pack header ad fix;
  • fix: Unique articles page option affects the header mega menu;
  • fix: Remove the offset from the block if used cf on Post IDs filter;
  • fix: td demo subscription > add plan update;
  • fix: Category Background Image: Rounded image option;
  • fix: Form Content: Colors options now apply correctly to the wp editor;
  • fix: Custom field on Filter by tag slug Ajax pagination;
  • fix: Accessibility issue duplicated aria ids on search form;
  • fix: Single Post Table Of Contents – The link for the active heading section is now highlighted;
  • fix: Form Content – Fonts now apply properly on the editor;
  • fix: SoundCloud featured audio;
  • fix: Social Share issue;


  • new: Added new options in Theme Panel for minifying and aggregating block’s inline CSS;
  • new: Custom Field – Added support for ACF file type;
  • new: Gallery – Added support for module templates;
  • new: Hide Mobile Menu and Mobile Search options in Theme Panel;
  • new: Optimized the theme panel color settings by using CSS variables instead;
  • new: Specific JS files are now loaded only when needed;
  • new: Height option in the CSS tab of the elements;
  • improvement: Added ‘display restrictions’ options on Modal Popup, Inline text, Column text shortcodes;
  • improvement: Remove header sticky html when menu sticky is inactive;
  • improvement: Added Vertical alignment option for image on Posts Loop shortcode;
  • improvement: Custom field support on Filter by tag slug:
  • improvement: Custom filtration for the Single Related Taxonomy;
  • improvement: Module Taxonomies – added the option to specify the depth of terms to display;
  • improvement: Flex Loop & Block Builder: Improved vertical alignment of modules;
  • improvement: Column & Inner column – background gradient option;
  • improvement: Row – Flex occupy option;
  • fix: Error on Mobile Theme (subscription submit error);
  • fix: Disable ads for admin /editor;
  • fix: Deprecated notice;
  • fix: Various fixes for Gallery;
  • fix: Enable/disable the reviews system;
  • fix: Page templates settings section doesn’t appear;
  • fix: Unique articles on module builder;
  • fix: Custom field support on Post IDs filter;
  • fix: Placeholder on Module Image;
  • fix: Twitter new logo;
  • fix: featured image option doesn’t appear when Mobile + AMP is set;
  • fix: Woo Attributes Filters: Fixed an issue where the mobile toggle was being inserted into popup modals;
  • fix: Title attribute on Read More button;
  • fix: Word break on modules excerpt;
  • fix: Title attribute on logo link;
  • fix: Title attribute on buttons;
  • fix: Coupon section in Cart page;
  • fix: Module Templates – Date shortcode fix;


  • new: One-click installable demo – Korean News Insight – View Demo;


  • new: 5 New one-click installable Pre-Build Websites (demos):
  • new: World Matters – View Demo;
  • new: InsightAI – View Demo;
  • new: App Find – View Demo;
  • new: UrbanEdge – View Demo;
  • new: Coaching Pro – View Demo;
  • new: Form Gallery shortcode;
  • new: Option to use global domain on Google recaptcha;
  • new: Filter posts using “current” in Multiple terms input;
  • new: Filter posts by custom field (include/exclude input);
  • new: Search cloud template CPT support;
  • new: Archive cloud template CPT support;
  • new: Single User Reviews Form – custom login url option;
  • new: Google recaptcha will apply also on WP Register page;
  • new: Form Location Finder & Single Post Location Display – Implemented Bing Maps as an alternative API service provider;
  • new: Single Post Location Display – Added option to fill in the complete location meta from which to pull the address from;
  • new: Added support for acf date picker, date time picker and time picker;
  • improvement: Improved the way posts are linked together;
  • improvement: Added Highest and Lowest rated (user reviews) sorting options on blocks;
  • improvement: Posts Form Submit – added the option to assign a cloud template to the newly created post;
  • improvement: Posts list – new form fields (childs);
  • improvement: Posts list – hierarchically sort posts;
  • improvement: Update google fonts;
  • improvement: Display CPT templates settings on post edit;
  • improvement: Posts Form Link To Post – added the options to specify the max depth or to select the depth from which to display posts;
  • improvement: Optimize fonts css;
  • improvement: Form FIle Upload – Added new options to adjust the height of the input and the image preview;
  • improvement: Custom Field – text cut option;
  • improvement: Custom Field – set html image width and height automatically;
  • improvement: Module Template Image -added border options;
  • improvement: Header Main Menu – added an option to set the border radius for sub-menus;
  • improvement: Single User Reviews Overall – Added the possibility to display a full breakdown of the rating (meaning all criterias and their scores)
  • improvement: Module Date – options to display ‘ago’ text before and after the date;
  • improvement: Custom Field – Enabled on woo products, categories and tags;
  • improvement: Added term ID as class for each checkbox/radio term;
  • improvement: Form Taxonomies – Added options to display the term’s custom fields, on each level independently;
  • improvement: Hide button if no URL option (on all the shortcodes with button);
  • improvement: Url option for Modal Popup title;
  • improvement: Added the possibility to sort by user reviews rating (high/low);
  •  fix: XSS vulnerability – courtesy to Automattic team;
  • fix: Stop views count for standard and cloud templates if Theme Panel option is disabled;
  • fix: Demo import php warning;
  • fix: Lazy load on Module Image;
  • fix: Error custom field on Woo Shop page;
  • fix: Smartlist template if is set globally;
  • fix: Cloud templates import not importing template options(global colors/fonts & custom svg icons);
  • fix: Show Manager settings only for admin;
  • fix: Retina image on block pagination;
  • fix: Linked posts option on flex blocks filter updated to show only parent;
  • fix: Modules cloud tpl icons/google fonts;
  • fix: Flex loop builder cpt tax; 
  • fix: Prevent panel settings update(save) for editor user role;
  • fix: Php 8.1 warnings;
  • fix: Single Background Image – replaced ‘a’ tag with ‘span’ when url is not set;
  • fix: Extra class on video embed shortcode;
  • fix: Restrict subscribers to view only media library items they uploaded;
  • fix: Border size multiple values Flex Block/Loop Builder;
  • fix: Single Post Table of Contents – fixed an issue with smooth scroll;
  • fix: Flex Block/Loop Builder – fixed an issue with the modules bottom space option;
  • fix: Download the size of the avatar according to the… … set width (Single Post Author Box, Author box and Author Image);
  • fix: Scroll issue on Mobile Search;
  • fix: Search in taxonomies terms;
  • fix: Reviews system custom post types updates;
  • fix: Display hidden on desktop hides the element on the other viewports;
  • fix: Post reading time – strip all tags from post content;
  • fix: Image border radius when TP placeholder is set;
  • fix: Megamenu border radius.


  • new: 4 New one-click installable Pre-Build Websites (demos):
  • new: Job Hunt – View Demo ;
  • new: Momentum – View Demo ;
  • new: Liberty Case – View Demo ;
  • new: Cali Sight – View Demo ;
  • new: Modules builder;
  • new: 12 new shortcodes to build modules;
  • new: 2 new block shortcodes that use the custom modules (Flex block builder and Flex loop builder);
  • new: Modules templates in our cloud library;
  • new: Delay option for Pages in Mega Menu and popup content (this will help you to achieve better performance score by decreasing the DOM size elements);
  • new: New gallery shortcode, capable of displaying images both from our custom posts gallery setting, or from the gallery ACF field;
  • new: Customize your block loaders – upload your logo to brand more your website;
  • new: Bookmark posts;
  • new: Backup settings limit option in Theme Panel;
  • new: Categories/tags list: added the option to display terms from a custom taxonomy;
  • improvement: Single Inline Image – Added border radius option;
  • improvement: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Images shortcodes – display default image when external image doesn’t exist;
  • improvement: Categories/tags list added the option to display terms from a custom taxonomy;
  • improvement: Single Post Taxonomies – display terms from multiple taxonomies;
  • improvement: Add upload_files capability for all logged-in users on pages with tdb form content shortcode;
  • fix: Security issue;
  • fix: Edit page capabilities for all logged-in users on pages with tdb form content shortcode;
  • fix: Yoast content anaylizer;
  • fix: Posts List: don’t display field name if it is empty;
  • fix: Self hosted video;
  • fix: Social share on CPT;
  • fix: Social Icons: remove social name html if option is off;
  • fix: Flex Loop Builder filters;
  • fix: Popup modal id on Firefox;
  • fix: Better Gutenberg support – css image width removed;
  • fix: Image ACF in array format;
  • fix: Open post content images without media link in lightbox, when general modal in enabled;
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