AdLinkFly là gì?

AdLinkFly cũng cho phép các thành viên rút ngắn liên kết và kiếm tiền và giữ một phần lợi nhuận. AdLinkFly bao gồm một hệ thống nhà xuất bản và nhà quảng cáo hoàn chỉnh, các chiến dịch, giới thiệu, rút tiền, API, sẵn sàng dịch, PayPal, Stripe, Payza, Skrill, Bitcoin (Coinbase – CoinPayments), WebMoney, Perfect Money, PAYEER, Money Wallet & Bank Transfer, reCAPTCHA hội nhập và nhiều hơn nữa!
Demo Account
Administration Panel:
Username: DemoAccount – Password: password
Interstitial Ad Example:
Banner Ad Example:
No Advert Example:
Tham khảo thêm: Share Theme REHub bản quyền Full Package update mới nhất 2022
Tải về AdLinkFly 6.5.3 Fix Blank Page
- Download: – 25.0 MB
- Version: 6.5.3
- Dung lượng: 25MB
- Nulled
Hướng dẫn kích hoạt / HOW TO ACTIVATE?
1. Truy cập PhpMyAdmin và chọn cơ sở dữ liệu của AdLinkFly

2. Tìm: personal_token và purchase_code trong table options

3. Chỉnh sửa và thêm bất kỳ giá trị nào vào (thực hiện tương tự với purchase_code)

4. Bạn cần chỉnh sửa tệp: ms_license_response_result (tmp/cache/models/)
– Giữ hàng chữ số trên cùng và xóa tất cả nội dung ở dưới đi và thay thế bằng:
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Lưu ý:
- Bạn chỉ cần lặp lại bước 4 nếu sau một thời gian nếu bị yêu cầu lại mã mua hàng ( purchase code )
- Không chỉnh sửa bất kỳ tệp tin nào ngoại trừ: ms_license_response_result
Change Log
Version 6.5.3 - (30 November 21) - Fixed: In some cases, the password match doesn't work - Fixed: Error after submitting forms protected by hCaptcha Version 6.5.2 - (25 November 21) - Fixed: Error while creating short links - Fixed: In some cases, the home page counters fire an error Version 6.5.1 - (23 November 21) - Fixed: Captcha is not displaying Version 6.5.0 - (23 November 21) - Added: PHP 7.4/8.0 compatibility - Added: Add option for many continue pages before the captcha page - Added: Login as a user feature - Added: Integrate hCaptcha - Added: Delete pending users & links via cron job for better performance - Added: Delete inactive links via cron job for better performance - Added: Display link created on like API, Full page script,... - Added: Allow multiple domains in API - Added: Block earnings for specific referees - Added: Admin can request a withdrawal on behalf of the user - Added: Allow admin to add a reason for cancelled withdraws - Added: Set referral earnings percentage per plan - Added: Set paid views limit per plan - Added: Set counter value(timer) per plan - Added: Set allowed ads types per plan - Added: Add disable proxy service option - Fixed: "No Advert" type isn't working via API and full page script - Fixed: Allow uppercase for URL schemes like HTTP, HTTPS - Fixed: Sometimes PhishTank is not working - Fixed: Send notification email when user register via social networks - Fixed: When deleting user also delete him from refered_by - Fixed: Short link menu doesn't show on ModernTheme and ClassicTheme - Improved: Cron jobs to check plan expiration date - Improved: A better way to get referer URL - Improved: After changing the password, logout from all other devices - Improved: Improve admin withdraw view load - Improved: Improve the homepage counters performance - Improved: Remove remember tokens after changing the password - Improved: Remove Payza - Other improvements and minor bug fixe Version 6.4.0 - (3 September 19) - New: Integrate paid service to detect VPN, TOR, hosting data centers, public proxies, web proxies & Bad Search Engine Robots. - Added: Option to show/hide the stats counter into the homepage - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.3.0 - (29 July 19) - Added: Add new PHP mail alternative method - Fixed: ClassicTheme payout/advertising rates without active tab - Improved: Only display completed withdraws into the payment proof table - Improved: Sitemap performance - Update countries database to the latest version - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.2.0 - (28 July 19) - Fixed: "Getting Link" button takes a long time - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.1.0 - (25 July 19) - Fixed: "Getting Link" is stuck - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.0.4 - (29 May 19) - Fixed: Dashboards' charts are not displayed with correct dates based on the current time zone - Fixed: Error on the member referrals page - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.0.3 - (29 May 19) - Fixed: Display correct payout rates when the earning simple mode is active - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.0.2 - (28 May 19) - Fixed: Upgrade button still appears even the update is done - Fixed: Deactivate button is not working on the user admin view page - Fixed: Dashboards' charts are not displayed with correct dates based on the current time zone - Fixed: Sometimes there is an error when select"Remember me" option when login - Fixed: Error "Undefined index: RememberMe" while logging out - Fixed: Error "Call to a member function getAttribute() on null" - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.0.1 - (26 May 19) - Fixed: Admin can't add blog posts - Fixed: API tools not displayed after updating to v6.0.0 with some installations - Fixed: Increase the server PHP memory limit while the upgrade process - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 6.0.0 - (24 May 19) Added: Earning Modes: Simple & Campaign Added: Integrate Paystack payment method Added: Integrate Paytm payment method Added: Integrate the new CoinBase Commerce system Added: Remember me option when login Added: SEO Sitemap ex Added: Simple Captcha(Securimage) Added: Now member features can be inherited from plans Added: Plan feature to allow removing the captcha for short links visitors Added: Plan feature to set fixed CPM per Plan Added: Plan feature to set link expiration date Added: Plan feature to limit the number of the created links per day and/or month Added: Payment Proof shortcode [payment_proof] Added: Maintenance mode Added: Menu manager where you can add, edit or remove menu items from the backend Added: GUI for the withdraw methods Added: GUI for the full page script Added: Links mass/bulk action Added: users mass/bulk action Added: Campaign minimum price amount Added: Add the available balance into the member top menu Added: Ability to enable or disable withdraw at any time Added: Admin can add or change the referred by user from the admin user edit Added: Integrate PHPMailer for sending emails Added: SEO keywords Added: Ability to set the payout/advertising prices in bulk Added: Allow adding dash and underscore to alias Added: detect more adblocks extensions Added: Automatically redirect to the default short link domain if the old domain is removed Added: set the from name of the outgoing emails Added: Add date from/to for Reports Added: Cron Job Added: Add "Blog" menu item into short link page Added: Filter users by plan Added: Add system info page Fixed: Cloudflare SSL redirect loop Fixed: Language Automatic Redirect is not working Fixed: Plans expiration period always with a year added Fixed: Inactive users can log in via social networks Fixed: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes Fixed: Withdraw return emails not send Fixed: CoinPayments requires "buyer_email" field Fixed: Update the login IP after account activation Improved: Best performance when using API tools to short links Improved: Improve the short link page performance Improved: Display charts on member and admin dashboards with correct dates based on selected timezone from the settings Improved: Display notice about charts data is reported in the current timezone Improved: Automatically exclude all multi-domains from the full page script and other tools Improved: Display a warning message for PHP version less than 7.2.0 Improved: Unable to configure the session, setting session.gc_maxlifetime Improved: Remove short links from search engines Improved: Use image data URL form preview screenshot image Improved: Don't force US locale for PayPal Improved: .htaccess improvements Improved: Detecting the visitor IP address Improved: Exclude ads.js from Cloudflare Rocket Loader Improved: PHP array_column function is not working with PHP 7.x on some servers Improved: Move payout and advertising shortcodes to template files and disable cache Improved: link meta fetching Improved: Move "This domain is owned by" message to a template file Improved: Make "url" column case sensitive Improved: Set campaign statuts to "Under Review" after the payment Improved: Timezone Internal server error with old ICU libraries - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 5.3.0 - (9 June 18) - Added: Canceled email notifications - Added: Returned email notifications - Fixed: Captcha was not displayed to unregistred users when shorten a link. - Fixed: Link hits is not updating - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 5.2.0 - (28 May 18) - Added: GDPR enhancements: > Add checkbox to accept the Terms of use and Privacy policy while user registration > Make personal information optional like first name, last name,... > Administrator can export all user personal data like profile data, links, invoices and withdraws. > Display cookie notification message > Add checkbox field to contact us and support forms to accept collecting name and email > Administrator can delete a user completely with its related links, views, campaigns, invoices and withdraws - Added: Ability to delete links - Added: Ability to delete campaigns - Added: Option to enable/disable "This domain is owned by..." - Improved: Revamp the social media login - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 5.1.1 - (5 April 18) - Fixed: Full page script doesn't work with excluded domains Version 5.1.0 - (4 April 18) - Added: Option to only store the valid paid clicks statistics - Added: On/Off email alerts for each notification - Improved: Remove referrer information after clicking on "Get Link" or "Skip Ad" buttons - Improved: Exclude www subdomain from "This domain is owned by ...." - Other improvements and minor bug fixes Version 5.0.0 - (31 March 18) - The script requires PHP 5.6.x or higher. - Added: Integrate coinhive captcha - Added: Sign up bonus. Option to give new registered users a bonus like $0.5 - Added: Trial Membership plan. new registered users can have a trial plan for month or year - Added: Ability to disable earnings for some users. - Added: Option to display blog post random/latest on the short link page - Added: Option to enable/disable earnings - Added: Wildcard for subdomains for full page script like * - Added: Wildcard for subdomains for disallowed domains - Added: Email Notifications for > New customer alert email to admin > New Invoice for membership plan or campaign > New Withdrawal request > Paid Invoice > Paid Withdrawal request - Added: Signin, Signup and Dashboard menu Items - Added: Add "Return" status to withdrawal requests and return the amount back to the user account - Added: Export withdraw requests as a CSV file - Added: Allowing exporting users as a CSV file, it is useful to export all users' emails. - Added: Option to disabling referrals feature - Added: Add https option for short links - Added: One time captcha for short link page into membership plans - Added: Add multi-domains as a membership plan feature - Added: Add captcha to the login page - Added: Random advertisement type for short links. Interstitial and Banner ad advertisement types should be enabled - Added: option to disable statistics cache for member and admin dashboards - Added: Add plain text for all emails - Added: Return errors array for Developer API tool - Added: Add more support for Bitcoin currency with 8 decimals - Added: Allow translations of membership plans title and description - Added: Assets CDN URL for images - Added: Display message "This domain is owned by WEBSITE NAME" when visiting one of the multi-domains directly - Added: Add pagination sort by Id, Date, Publisher Earnings, Referral Earnings for withdraws - Fixed: Total price for banner and popup campaigns was not displayed in the member area - Fixed: Remove "<" sign from member campaigns creation - Fixed: Validate withdrawal method before request a withdrawal request - Fixed: Perfect Money error - Fixed: Use new PayPal IPN validation URL - Fixed: SolveMedia check https via client-side - Fixed: Bookmarklet ad type is not saving - Fixed: Too many redirects when using urlencode or custom alias with Quick Link tool - Fixed: false positive results for PhishTank - Fixed: Many redirects error when changing the language from member area - Fixed: Language dropdown on the short link page is not working - fixed: Don't redirect /info to the main domain - Improved: Allow self-signed certificate while sending emails - Improved: Allow Access-Control for developer API - Improved: Remove "Deactivate" button if a user is already deactivated - Improved: "Register" button instead of "Submit" - Improved: Disallow API tolls into Robots.txt - Improved: Allow Disqus comments for multi-lingual - Improved: Detect the accurate expiration date while renewing - Improved: Add caret icon to Member and Admin menus. - Improved: Empty "Plan Expiration Date" means infinity - Improved: Detect new user plan instantly - Improved: Force menu links with the main domain - Improved: Invisible reCAPTCHA Improvements - Improved: Revamp email settings - Improved: Update Payza links - Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Welcome Nack 🙂 🙂 🙂
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